Some time back in October, we received an announcement from Rob Ameerun, mastermind behind the widely popular Legal IT Professionals site, that he would be launching a "new and truly global" legal IT publication due out in March of 2013. Fast forward five months to the official launch of Legal IT Today (LITT), a quarterly digital (and hardcopy) magazine focused on "commentary, strategy and marketing intelligence for the global legal technology community". Published and promoted by Rob and his team, the publication editor is Joanna Goodman, a well-known legal IT scribe and columnist/feature writer for Law Society Gazette, LSN's Briefing and Legal IT Professionals among others. At first glance, what we like about LITT is it's advertised 'global' appeal...after all, legal business is global. With an increasing number of law firms expanding their borders and clients seeking the best outside counsel independent of geography, vendors and technologists are challenged to consider global feature/function sets and service requirements when building out solutions and offerings.
Let's take a closer look at issue numero uno... The 32 page PDF includes 7 features: the editor's interview with an Autonomy executive and six bylined articles by law firm IT & KM leaders (3) and legal consultants & strategists (3) split between the US and UK. Topics covered in the first issue include US vs. UK culture & technology comparisons; technology and online tools, both internal and client facing; a review of KM, specifically KM systems and processes, to help predict the continued evolution of law firm KM; and a look towards tomorrow's legal IT profession. Here's the full editorial lineup of Legal IT Today, Issue 1:
- Interview with Autonomy’s general manager of enterprise content management. Editor Joanna Goodman and Neil Araujo talk about HP’s added value, SharePoint, and the swap-out offers by other DM vendors
- 'Compare and contrast' features of US vs. UK legal IT by Janet Day, Berwin Leighton Paisner’s Director of Technology & Infrastructure Services and Ben Weinberger, Director of IT and Facilities at Bond Pearce (soon named Bond Dickinson)
- Evolution and lifecycle of law firm knowledge management by O’Melveny & Myers’ Managing Director for Information, Jeff Rovner
- Strategic review of legal technology, specifically client facing legal technology systems, by legal IT consultant Ron Friedmann of Fireman & Company
- Online tools (aka social media) for lawyers as a communication 'game changer' by author, lawyer and Director of Business Development for MyCase, Nicole Black
- What does a glimpse at the crystal ball reveal in terms of legal IT professionals and their place in tomorrow's legal world? Chris Bull shares his views
In closing, here are a few more factoids regarding Rob Ameerun's latest legal IT endeavor:
- Subscribers can register to receive the digital edition at no cost here.
- A glossy, full color hard copy magazine version is available for €95 (postage included).
- LITT will appear quarterly in 2013 (March-June-September-December).
- The LITT team will be at the Legal IT Business Show in Islington (March 5-6). Anyone who would like to preview the hard copy edition can do so.
- LITT is delivered to (and created for) the global legal IT community including law firm IT staff, lawyers, paralegals, KM professionals and legal IT vendors.
- The complete LITT launch press release can be viewed here.