Ten months ago, the Association of Legal Administrators' (ALA) editors shared their plans to 'go digital' with their Legal Management membership publication come January 2014. We loved the idea at the time, and now that we have previewed both the iPad app as well as the newly designed digital magazine website, we adore it even more. Today marks the official launch of the new medium which according to ALA's executive director Oliver Yandle provides members with "outstanding, robust, in-depth content presented in an engaging, interactive, immersive experience" -- definitely a more engaging and rewarding user experience than its previous paper counterpart.
Before we dive into more bells and whistles of the new digital platform, let's focus on the first issue's theme -- "Law Firm Futures, focusing on where the legal industry is headed in the years to come." The topic works well with the digital launch plus is one of the hot topics among legal professionals ... what's on the legal horizon? how do we get there? and how can we manage to not only keep our clients happy but attract new ones along the way? Technology is no doubt the linchpin in helping law firms find answers to these questions. InsideLegal was fortunate enough to author the inaugural issue's cover story: "Strategizing Today for the Legal Tech of Tomorrow", a close look at how technology can/is helping law firms move beyond the dreaded status quo. We'll dedicate more time (and blog space) to this article a bit later, but wanted to thank our team of nine legal thought leaders and influencers who contributed commentary and insights for this feature. The article can be openly viewed via the tablet apps.
As promised, here are some more details on the new digital format:
- The new monthly (12 issues per year!) Legal Management will deliver exclusive educational content in truly innovative fashion. Download the free app for iPad or Android tablet, and start interacting ...
- The tablet apps including the January 2014 issue as well as archived content will be available for all (not only ALA members) to experience. Sometime around February or March, subsequent issues on the apps will also be password protected but the editors plan to publish monthly samples so that potential members or other interested parties can preview new content. Existing members/those with UN/PWs can access the new website at any time.
- Hyperlinks and other touch-features of the tablet version allow readers to connect directly with authors and from the magazine.
- Multimedia features provide more in-depth content through video, podcasts and other media. The new customized, easy-to-read, easy-to-navigate website provides access to all of the same content that is available on the tablet version.
- Make sure to click through all the features and icons on the iPad/Android tablet versions since there is bonus/additional content waiting to be discovered.
Overall, we applaud the ALA for going digital and giving their nearly 10,000 strong global membership a 'new and improved' way to consume legal management, marketing, operations and financial-themed content.